The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is an information management system of tools and methodologies used to track and monitor displacement and population mobility. In Mongolia, IOM activated the DTM programme in 2018, in response to a substantial increase in internal migration due to significant economic and geographic inequalities, as well as increased displacement due to environmental phenomena, such as "dzud". DTM in Mongolia is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate multi-layered information about the population sizes, locations, geographic distribution, movements, vulnerabilities, evolving multisectoral needs, and the drivers of migration of returnees, IDPs, migrants and mobile populations.

DTM implements baseline mobility assessments, flow monitoring, registrations, and various migration surveys to provide an essential evidence base that enables decision-makers and humanitarian, reintegration, and development partners to maximize resources and deliver efficient, better-targeted, mobility-sensitive, and sustainable humanitarian, reintegration, community stabilization and development programming. Since DTM's launch in Mongolia, IOM Mongolia has been closely cooperating with Government organizations, including the National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA), the National Statistics Office (NSO), the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar (MUB) and Agency for Land Administration and Management, Geodesy and Cartography (ALAMGC).

Find more information on DTM Mongolia here.