
IOM and Government of Mongolia collaborate to leverage the potential of Mongolians Living Abroad for national development

Sections of participants in session. Photo: IOM/2023

High-level Government officials, such as Deputy head of Cabinet Secretariat Office of the Government of Mongolia and State secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Civil Society Organisations convened at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia to hold a day’s project inception session  on 30 March 2023. The purpose of the meeting was to to launch the IOM Development Fund (IDF) project and to deliberate and adopt measures and recommendations for the implementation of the diaspora project and overall strengthening migration governance in Mongolia. 

The project inception meeting was attended by 25 participants (F:16, M:9) from key government ministries, departments and agencies in Mongolia as well as representatives from the Council of Mongolians Abroad NGO.

After the meeting, the delegates unanimously agreed to the need for increased understanding of diaspora challenges and importance of policy steps which could strengthen migration governance in Mongolia. The project has been regarded as a great platform and an opportune time for the government to a have a clear strategy, policy and institutional setting to engage with its diaspora to leverage effectively their potential, for the sustainable development of Mongolia.

The event was jointly facilitated by the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IOM Mongolia Country Office within the framework of the project; “Leveraging the Potential of the Diaspora for the Development of Mongolia” funded by IOM Development Fund.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities